Introduction to Contracts

Introduction to Contracts

This module covers some basic concepts in Contract Law. What are the necessary parts of a contract? When might a contract be unenforceable?  What role do contracts play in a common law system? How do contracts help individuals and society develop products and services that would otherwise be too difficult? 

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4 of 14: When Are Contracts Unenforceable? [No. 86]

A contract might be unenforceable despite having all of the usual formalities attached to it. Professor Seth Oranburg discusses a few common scenarios where enforceability would be a problem - if the agreement is in violation of societal interest, if ... A contract might be unenforceable despite having all of the usual formalities attached to it. Professor Seth Oranburg discusses a few common scenarios where enforceability would be a problem - if the agreement is in violation of societal interest, if one of the contracting parties is not mentally capable of understanding the implications, and if a party is a minor under the legal age for formal contracts.

Seth Oranburg is Associate Professor of Law at Duquesne University School of Law.

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.

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