Introduction to Corporate Law

Introduction to Corporate Law

Here you’ll find answers to basic questions about corporate law. Why should you consider learning about it at all? What is the difference between litigation and transactional legal practice? What is a corporation? Does the economy need corporations? Why does limited liability exist?

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2 of 3: Why Do Corporations Exist? [No. 86]

If people are able to enter into contracts and invest money on their own, why do we need corporations? Professor J.W. Verret explains how corporations provide the necessary structure for agent accountability, management of investment, and limited li ... If people are able to enter into contracts and invest money on their own, why do we need corporations? Professor J.W. Verret explains how corporations provide the necessary structure for agent accountability, management of investment, and limited liability for shareholders. Without this structure, individual shareholders could be personally liable for mistakes or malfeasance by management. Corporations have been organized this way as far back as the Roman Republic.

J.W. Verret is an Associate Professor of Law at Antonin Law School at George Mason University. He teaches Banking, Securities and Corporation Law.

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.

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  • Corporations, Securities & Antitrust