Adam Laxalt

Adam Laxalt

Attorney General, State of Nevada

Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt, elected as Nevada's 33rd attorney general, took office on January 5, 2015, making him the youngest in the country.  A former lieutenant in the United States Navy, the US Navy trained him as a prosecutor and legal advisor. While serving in Iraq, Laxalt assisted with the detention and prosecution of thousands of war criminals and terrorists.

 As the chief law enforcement officer for the State, AG Laxalt has worked to keep Nevada's communities safe, and hosts the State's first-ever Law Enforcement Summit twice a year bringing officials from Nevada's 17 counties together to determine how local law enforcement can more effectively address emerging criminal trends.  He has worked on behalf of Nevada's families to protect our most vulnerable communities, and currently chairs the Sexual Assault Kit Backlog Working Group committed to creating policies and procedures associated with the State's backlog of more than 8,000 untested sexual assault evidence kits.

As a former member of the military, AG Laxalt’s support of service members culminated in the creation of the Office of Military Legal Assistance, a first-of-its-kind program that provides Nevada’s military members with free legal representation. The program was recently named a “Best Practice Program” by the Department of Defense with a recommendation for duplication in states throughout the country, and to date, has helped military personnel and veterans handle over 210 pro bono matters.

Consistent with his commitment to defending our nation’s constitutional principles and protecting the important role of the States in our federalist system of government, AG Laxalt created Nevada’s first ever Federalism Unit within the Attorney General’s Office. To protect the interests of Nevadans, the Federalism Unit has challenged multiple occasions of unlawful federal overreach, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s Waters of the United States Rule, the Bureau of Land Management’s Sage Grouse Plan, and other instances of unilateral federal executive orders.  The Unit has also filed friend of the court briefs on many important issues including public roads, Environmental Protection Agency overreach, federal interference with Nevada’s criminal justice system and Second Amendment issues.  

AG Laxalt is a fourth generation Nevadan who resides in Reno with his wife Jaime, their daughters Sophia and Isabella, as well as their dogs Hoya and Buckley. He graduated from Georgetown Law School.


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Click to play: Environmental Law & Property Rights: Justice Scalia's Property Rights Jurisprudence

Environmental Law & Property Rights: Justice Scalia's Property Rights Jurisprudence

2016 National Lawyers Convention

In his nearly 30 years on the Court, Justice Scalia left a profound mark on...

Environmental Law & Property Rights: Justice Scalia's Property Rights Jurisprudence

2016 National Lawyers Convention

In his nearly 30 years on the Court, Justice Scalia left a profound mark on...