Matthew P. Cavedon

Robert Pool Fellow in Law and Religion & Senior Lecturer in Law, Emory University School of Law

Topics: Civil Rights • Criminal Law & Procedure • Culture • Federalism & Separation of Powers • First Amendment • Founding Era & History • Fourteenth Amendment • Fourth Amendment • Free Speech & Election Law • Jurisprudence • Originally Speaking • Philosophy • Politics • Religious Liberties • Religious Liberty • Second Amendment • Separation of Powers • State Constitutions • State Court Docket Watch • State Courts • State Governments

Matthew Cavedon is the Robert Pool Fellow in Law and Religion & Senior Lecturer in Law at the Emory University Center for the Study of Law and Religion. He served for nearly four years as a public defender in northeast Georgia, representing clients in misdemeanor, felony, and juvenile cases. He is a member of the Federalist Society Criminal Law and Procedure Practice Group Executive Committee.


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