Net Neutrality Goes to Court: U.S. Telecomm Association v. FCC

Telecommunications & Electronic Media Practice Group

On Friday, the D.C. Court of Appeals will hear U.S. Telecomm Association v. FCC, a challenge to the FCC's much-discussed net neutrality rules. Proponents of the rule assert that it is needed to ensure that all internet traffic is treated equally, to ensure fair access to the internet and all it offers, access that is currently controlled by internet service providers. Critics of the rule claim that the FCC lacks authority to regulate the internet, that the rule violates the plain wording of the Telecommunications Act, that the White House intervention in calling for the rule violated both basic separation of powers and notice and comment requirements, and that the rule implicates free speech. Which side has the better argument?


  • Brantley Webb, Associate, Mayer Brown LLP
  • Adam J. White, Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution

On Friday, the D.C. Court of Appeals will hear U.S. Telecomm Association v. FCC, a challenge to the FCC's much-discussed net neutrality rules. Proponents of the rule assert that it is needed to ensure that all internet traffic is treated equally, to ensure fair access to the internet and all it offers, access that is currently controlled by internet service providers. Critics of the rule claim that the FCC lacks authority to regulate the internet, that the rule violates the plain wording of the Telecommunications Act, that the White House intervention in calling for the rule violated both basic separation of powers and notice and comment requirements, and that the rule implicates free speech. Which side has the better argument?


  • Brantley Webb, Associate, Mayer Brown LLP
  • Adam J. White, Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution

Call begins at 3:00 pm Eastern Time.

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