A Shy Frog, the Administrative State, and Judicial Review of Agency Decision-Making: A Preview of Weyerhaeuser v. United States Fish & Wildlife Service

A Shy Frog, the Administrative State, and Judicial Review of Agency Decision-Making: A Preview of Weyerhaeuser v. United States Fish & Wildlife Service

Federalist Society Review, Volume 19

 Note from the Editor:  This article previews one of the first cases of the Supreme...

Are IRS Defenses Crumbling?

Congress’s frequent, numerous, and complicated changes to the tax laws make the Internal Revenue Service's...

Whistling in Chevronland: Why Department of Labor Interpretations of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Whistleblower Provisions Do Not Deserve Judicial Deference

Whistling in Chevronland: Why Department of Labor Interpretations of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Whistleblower Provisions Do Not Deserve Judicial Deference

Federalist Society Review, Volume 20

Note from the Editor: The Federalist Society takes no positions on particular legal and public...