Deep Dive Episode 173 – The State of Healthcare Policy: from COVID-19 to Medicare for All

Deep Dive Episode 173 – The State of Healthcare Policy: from COVID-19 to Medicare for All

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

On Friday, April 16, 2021, the Federalist Society’s Georgetown Student Chapter hosted a webinar featuring...

New Conscience Regulations from the Department of Health & Human Services: Do They Strike the Right Balance Between Conscience and the Medical Profession?

Religious Liberties Practice Group and Georgetown Student Chapter

The protection of conscience for health care providers has, in some arguments, been pitted against...

Click to play: New Conscience Regulations from the Department of Health & Human Services: Do They Strike the Right Balance Between Conscience and the Medical Profession?

New Conscience Regulations from the Department of Health & Human Services: Do They Strike the Right Balance Between Conscience and the Medical Profession?

Religious Liberties Practice Group and Georgetown Student Chapter

The protection of conscience for health care providers has, in some arguments, been pitted against...