Click to play: Telecommunications: Rewriting the Telecomm Act: Has the Time Come?

Telecommunications: Rewriting the Telecomm Act: Has the Time Come?

2010 National Lawyers Convention

Address Hon. Thomas J. Tauke, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs, Policy and Communications, Verizon...

Telecommunications: Rewriting the Telecomm Act: Has the Time Come?

2010 National Lawyers Convention

Address Hon. Thomas J. Tauke, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs, Policy and Communications, Verizon...

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2017?

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2017?

Co-Sponsored by the Faculty Division and the Practice Groups

October 2nd will mark the first day of oral arguments for the 2017 Supreme Court...

Click to play: Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2017?

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2017?

Co-Sponsored by the Faculty Division and the Practice Groups

October 2nd will mark the first day of oral arguments for the 2017 Supreme Court...

Deference Doctrines and the Clean Water Act

Deference Doctrines and the Clean Water Act

Environmental Law & Property Rights Practice Group, Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Group, and Regulatory Transparency Project

Recently, Justices of the Supreme Court have called the Court’s deference jurisprudence into significant question....

Click to play: A Seat at the Sitting - November 2021

A Seat at the Sitting - November 2021

The November Docket in 90 Minutes or Less

Join us for the second episode of the Federalist Society’s Supreme Court Show: A Seat at...