Whistling in Chevronland: Why Department of Labor Interpretations of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Whistleblower Provisions Do Not Deserve Judicial Deference

Whistling in Chevronland: Why Department of Labor Interpretations of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Whistleblower Provisions Do Not Deserve Judicial Deference

Federalist Society Review, Volume 20

Note from the Editor: The Federalist Society takes no positions on particular legal and public...

A Seat at the Sitting - October 2023

A Seat at the Sitting - October 2023

The October Docket in 90 Minutes or Less

Each month, a panel of constitutional experts convenes to discuss the Court’s upcoming docket sitting...

Engage Volume 4, Issue 1, May 2003

Engage Volume 4, Issue 1, May 2003

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW & REGULATION The Presidential Appointment Process at the Beginning of the 21st Century...

Engage Volume 3, Issue 3, October 2002

Engage Volume 3, Issue 3, October 2002

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW & REGULATION Restoring Congress’ Proper Role in Oversight of Covert Intelligence Operations by...

Click to play: Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2014?

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2014?

Co-Sponsored by the Faculty Division and the Practice Groups

October 6th will mark the first day of the 2014 Supreme Court term. Thus far, the...